Protecting yourself from whistleblower retaliation at work

On Behalf of | Jun 23, 2021 | Employment Law |

Telling the truth sometimes comes with a price. However, courts agree that Delaware employees have specific protections against whistleblower retaliation. This understanding pertains to workers both in private companies and in government jobs.

Do you know what retaliation looks like?

You recently provided inside information about your employer who is violating the law. Maybe the company dumped toxins against federal regulations. Alternatively, they might actively discriminate against older workers in opposition to the company’s policy. You reported what you knew.

Now, people are treating you differently at work. The promotion you expected goes to someone else. Co-workers make rude comments and hinder you from performing your work. Suddenly, you get bad performance reviews that differ considerably from those you received before.

Retaliation against a whistleblower is illegal

These are just some examples of what retaliation against a whistleblower might look like. The federal government offers several protections:

  • The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act for federal employees
  • The Whistleblower Protection Act
  • The Taxpayer First Act

Individual states also offer protection against retaliation. For example, Delaware has enacted the Delaware Whistleblowers’ Protection Act.

Dealing with retaliation

You cannot stop your employer from retaliating against you. However, you can make sure that they aren’t successful in their attempts. Your options include filing a complaint against the company. Most people choose to file an OSHA violation complaint. An investigator will take on the case, request cooperation from you and the employer, and work to sort out the situation.

Sometimes, you and your employer may go to alternative dispute resolution. If you are unsure that you are dealing with whistleblower retaliation or need more help filing a complaint, an attorney could assist you with the process.

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